自 他 一 体
Our corporate philosophy is “Ji Ta Ittai” which means that we recognize all the happiness and agony of others as ours. Our ultimate goal is to contribute for social development by cooperating with our stakeholders. Therefore, one of our objective is to provide required information and products for all over the world.
Make customers, client, partners, suppliers happy.
Make employees and their family happy.
Revitalize local community and make them happy.Feb 2016
Marketing of Japanese products for overseas started.
Sep 2008
Sales contract of FUJITSU PERSONAL SYSTEM LIMITED started.
Jan 2008
Distribution agreement of Mouse Computer Co., Ltd signed.
Oct 2005
Distribution agreement of Project White Co., Ltd signed.
Sep 2005
Franchise agreement with Doing Co., Ltd signed.
Oct 1996
Lesson for using PC started.
Sep 1992
Miura Co., Ltd established.
May 1992
Sales of PC, software and its peripherals started.
May 1989
Company moved to the address which is current.
Apr 1979
Start selling piping materials and its related products.
Apr 1978
Distributorship agreement with Toshiba Corporation signed.
Apr 1978
Miura & Co (Form enterprise of Miura Co., Ltd) established. Start selling machine tools, electric tools, bolt and nut.